Welcome to
Forest City Fellowship
FCF seeks to emulate the pattern of local church leadership found in the New Testament. The men in leadership at FCF are leaders amoung the flock (Acts 20:28) and function as a collegial team. There is no senior pastor at FCF. Decisions are made by the Elders and the Elders share authority and responsilibity.
Practically, this means that any of the men on the Elder's council can fill the pulpit any given week. The congregation seldom hears the same man preach/teach two consecutive weeks unless there is a special series. At present there are three Elders and several men who sit on the Elder's Council who oversee the day-to-day workings of FCF.
Forest City Fellowship was started in 1990 by a group of believers who were seeking to worship the Lord according to the Scripture's instructions and the leading of the Holy Spirit. From the beginning, it was recognized that the church is God's people, not a building. In it's early days, the fellowship met in different locations and saw God do many amazing works in their midst. As the fellowship grew, the leadership realized that Scripture presented plurality as the ideal model for church government. The fellowship embraced this truth, and the government was administered through Elders. The goal is to see all believers grow in their God-given giftings such as; prophecy, teaching, healing, and administration.
We are a people who have a passion for Jesus. As a part of the body of Christ in the Rockford area, we recognize our need to impact the lives of those in our neighborhood, city, and our nation. We desire to love God with all of our hearts, to love our families, and to love this city back to life. We are on a journey, welcoming all who want to come along.